Welcome to Yogurt Gazebo, a blog about weird news from around the world...
Weird Fact:

Tablecloths were originally meant to be served as towels with which dinner guests could wipe their hands and faces after eating

Monday 6 December 2010


 I bet you are asking yourself, is Mika just kidding? Is the title of this blog post a hoax? Is she serious? Mika will answer that question for you now: 'Yep, it's right. I actually thought is was a rumor, but apparently not. There is such things as smoking babies on the planet." Now you're thinking: 
"BAH HUMBUG!" she's got to be joking, you can't be serious!!! Mika says: Still don't believe me? Click the link...
Two-year-old Aldi yanked on his mother's hair and squirmed in her arms.
Tears formed a small pool in the folds of his double chin.
"He's crying because he wants a cigarette," said Diana, his mother, who like many Indonesians goes by only one name.
We caught up with Aldi, who is nearly twice the weight of other babies his age (20 kilograms or 44 pounds), and his mother at Jakarta's airport.
I just think it's revolting!!! A baby smoking? Are you kidding me? I can't even express my feelings on how I feel about this!!! I think it's poor parenting, (no offense.) I wonder how the baby got the cigarette in the first place? I know the video explains how he is exposed to smoking, but how did he get it in his hand? What do you think? There's nothing much to say other than it's wrong. Can you imagine the damage in the baby's body right now? 40 cigarettes a day? It's psycho!!! Do you think this is wrong? BAH HUMBUG!!!!
PS: For the voting poll at bottom of blog; the top square is yes, the one below is no...

Friday 26 November 2010

The world we live in.

Tracy Caldwell Dyson realises there's no place like home as she peers down at Earth from the highest vantage point possible - space.
Staring out of the windows of the International Space Station (ISS), the astronaut takes in the planet in all its wonderful glory.
Orbiting our planet about 217 miles up, the ISS is high enough so that the Earth's horizon appears clearly curved.
Astronaut Dyson's windows show some of Earth's complex clouds, in white, and life-giving atmosphere and oceans, in blue.
The space station orbits the Earth about once every 90 minutes and it is not difficult for people living below to spot it in the sky if they look carefully.
The ISS can frequently be seen as a bright point of light drifting overhead just after sunset. 
In fact, telescopes can even resolve the overall structure of the space station. 
The above image was taken in late September from the ISS's Cupola window bay.
Meanwhile, back on ISS, two Russian cosmonauts exited the station for a spacewalk to install equipment and perform maintenance.

Wow, what a beautiful world. This isn't really weird news, but something to share. I'm sure that would be really scary going up into space. You probably would have to do a lot of training, in order to be able to go into space. If I had the chance, I think I would go into space. Would you? Do you think you would be able to? Or, would you chicken out? It would be a pretty big decision. Anyway, what do you think about these pictures? I can't believe we live there! Not necessarily Egypt, but the world in general. Leave your thoughts in the comments area.

ISS Astronauts during a space walk. Construction of the station began in 1998 and will finish next year

Saturday 20 November 2010

For all you Harry Potter fans...

For all you Harry Potter fans out there, have you seen the new movie yet? I have not yet seen it, but am extremely excited for when I will. My question for you (if you have seen the movie,).... What did you think if the movie? Was it AMAZING? Was it too much? Or was it just not good? I would like you my fellow followers, to tell me in the comments area what you thought of the movie. You don't even have to have seen the movie to leave your thoughts in the comments box, tell me what you think this movie is going to be like, is going to be good, bad, horrific, brilliant, etc.

(Thanks in greek)

*This should not count as a real post*

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Michael Jackson... ALIVE?

Sorry, he's not :(
More than a year after his death, Michael Jackson continues to be controversial.
"Hold My Hand," the brand-new Jackson song featuring R&B singer Akon, was officially released on Monday as the first single off next month's posthumous album, "Michael."
Jackson and Akon recorded the song in 2007; at the time, Jackson felt it was not ready for release. Three years later, Jackson's estate claims that MJ left a handwritten note asking for "Hold My Hand" to be the album's first official single. But "Black eyed peas" star Will.i.am. thinks that collaborators should let the King of Pop rest in peace.
When I first saw this, I got really scared thinking that he was alive. Or that someone took over for him, (sounding exactly like him, but a different person.) If you read the rest of the link/article you would of seen that Will.i.am thought this was disrespectful to the"King of Pop". I don't really know how to feel about this. In my opinion, I don't think it's that disrespectful, because he already recorded it almost three years ago. But it also doesn't seem right for them to distribute a song without him here. I'm not sure. What do you think? Was this disrespectful to "The King of Pop"? Or not? Leave your thoughts in the comments box.
PS: Also include if you are a fan of Michael Jackson or not.
Article: http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2010/11/16/new-michael-jackson-song-best-posthumous-collaboration-time/


Friday 12 November 2010

Is she an EVIL TEACHER? Part II

An Australian primary school teacher has been suspended after allegations she taped her students' mouths shut.
West Australian Department of Education official Paul O'Connor said in a statement Thursday the teacher "has been removed from teaching while inquiries are under way."
The Kalgoorlie Miner newspaper reported a parent of a Year One student said her five-year-old son told her the teacher told the students they would have their mouths "sticky-taped shut" if they continued to talk during class.

Really? Again? But this time it's not being taped to the chair.... it's being  taped on the mouth! Are you crazy?!? Well at least this time the teacher has "been removed from teaching".  Which one do you find worst: Being taped to a chair? Or being "sticky-taped" on the mouth? Leave your thoughts in the comments box...

To read the rest of the article...


Tuesday 9 November 2010

Here's my baby, now give me the car!

MIAMI - A Florida woman was charged with trying to sell her infant son in order to pay for a new car, police said on Tuesday.
The baby's grandmother brokered the deal and initially demanded $75,000 but agreed to cut the price to $30,000 when told the prospective buyer could not get a bank loan, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) said.

Really? Trying to sell your kid for a car? You can't cuddle cars! You can't hug them! Well, you could... But that's not my point! Sure, when you're 22, you make mistakes... Everyone does. But to sell your infant, for a CAR? You've got to be kidding me! If you're going to sell your kid for a car, it ought to be a pretty nice one. I can't find anything "on the up side" for this article. It's more of a rant. What do you think? If this was the prettiest, most luxurious, most beautiful thing you've ever seen, and it came with Taylor Lautner, (if you are a guy reading this, imagine a pretty celebrity.) Would you STILL trade your baby for all of that? Please leave your thoughts in the comments area...

To read the rest of this article....


Pic: http://2009-fordmustang.com/index.htm

Thursday 4 November 2010

Welcome to the school of GAGA

Well, actually, it's a course. 
Next semester, at the University of South Carolina, professor Mathieu Deflem will teach a class called Lady Gaga and the Sociology of Fame.
“Within the framework of the sociology of popular culture and music, this course specifically focuses on socially relevant elements in the rise of Lady Gaga’s popularity to her current status as a burgeoning pop music icon,” reads the course’s description.
“The central objective of this course, then, is to unravel some of the sociologically relevant dimensions of the fame of Lady Gaga with respect to her music, videos, fashion, and other artistic endeavours, with special attention for the role of: business and marketing strategies; the role of the old and new media; fans and live concerts; gay culture; religious and political themes...

What do you think about this... interesting course? I think it's a great way for students to learn about business and marketing strategies! Relating it to one of the worlds most popular music artists is a great way to help students learn. But this might not be the course for you if your not really a fan of Lady Gaga. The course is limited to 50 people, but they are planning on letting in 120 next fall. Let me ask you, if you had the chance, would you be interested in doing this course? Or do not like the idea of this?What do you think? Another question for you, do you like Lady Gaga? Do you think she's a role model, or someone who is dying for attention? Leave your thoughts in the comments box...

PS: Who do you think is a better role model? 
Miley Cyrus or Lady Gaga?

For the rest of the article...



Saturday 30 October 2010

Before you read this stretch your mouth as wide as you can...

The 20-year-old, who can fit a can of fizzy pop – sideways – in his flexible gob, won the World’s Widest Mouth title at the Big Mouth competition in Rome.
It was ‘a dream come true to be honoured by Guinness World Records’, he said.  The ‘jaw of awe’, as he’s apparently known, shot to stardom on the streets of Angolan capital Luanda – and was tracked down by Guinness Book of World Records researchers, who spent two years trying to find him. 
The YouTube sensation’s drinks tin insertion beat jaw-dropping talent from around the world, with contestants cramming their cakeholes with saucers, coffee cups and beer bottles. 
He’s even performed on Italian TV, popping a can in and out of his mouth 14 times in a minute.

Click on the link to watch the video...


Thursday 28 October 2010


A teacher in Cape Breton, N.S., was disciplined after she allegedly taped a first-grader to a chair during class.
In early October, a mother claimed a teacher at Greenfield Elementary taped her daughter's legs to a chair. She demanded the teacher be punished and the school apologize.
Lorne Greene, chairman of the Cape Breton-Victoria Regional School Board, confirmed the teacher had been disciplined and said he personally apologized to the girl's mother.
Greene wouldn't say what disciplinary action was taken against the teacher, who is still employed with the school.

Do you think the child deserved this? I mean being tied to the chair? If you were a student would you stand there and watch this? I mean, if the teacher did this during class. Do you think the teacher should still be allowed to teach at this school? Or even teach? What do you think? Please say your opinion in the comments area...

Tuesday 26 October 2010

Kids don't do this at home.

Man dances while smoking something suspicious. This should not count as a "official" post. Just wanted to share what might happen if you smoke and dance...


Lady Gets a Little Cranky Over McNuggets

A security video from a McDonald's in Ohio shows a woman punching two restaurant employees and smashing a drive-thru window because she couldn't get Chicken McNuggets.

The tantrum caught on tape in Toledo earlier this year shows the customer reaching through the drive-thru window, slugging one worker and then another. She then grabs a bottle out of her car and tosses it through the glass window before speeding off.

 Police say Melodi Dushane was angry that McNuggets weren't being served, because it was breakfast time.

Dushane says she was drunk at the time. She was sentenced to 60 days in jail last month and ordered to pay McDonald's for the broken window.

Click below to watch video...

Sunday 24 October 2010

On your mark get set... SLEEP!

An unemployed security guard from Ecuador is now $1,000 euros ($1,430) richer and slightly more refreshed after winning the first Siesta Championship.
The contest, organized by the National Association of Friends of the Siesta to promote the national tradition of taking a nap in the afternoon, was held in a busy shopping centre in Madrid reports British paper The Telegraph.
More than three hundred contestants were given 20 minutes to lie down on a sofa in an attempt to sleep the longest during that time. A doctor was on hand to monitor how long they were actually sleeping.
Sixty-two-year-old Pedro Soria Lopez said having a big lunch helped him fall into a deep snooze, which got extra points because he also snored at 70 decibels (the same as someone talking loudly). Contestants were also given extra points for original sleeping positions and choice of napping apparel.

Well, in my opinion, I think it's easier for the "elderly" people to fall asleep than the "younger people". Do you think this competition would be easy?


Saturday 23 October 2010

I pronounce you... Wife

TAIPEI - Chen Wei-yih has posed for a set of photos in a flowing white dress, enlisted a wedding planner and rented a banquet hall for a marriage celebration with 30 friends.
But there is no groom. Chen will marry herself.
Uninspired by the men she’s met but facing social pressure to get married, the 30-year-old Taipei office worker will hold the reception next month in honour of just one person.
“Age thirty is a prime period for me. My work and experience are in good shape, but I haven’t found a partner, so what can I do?” Chen said.
But, is this the way to go? If you can't find a partner, should you marry yourself, or just say you're single? Is it okay to do this?  What do you think?

Thursday 21 October 2010

Crocodile Kills

A plane crash in the Democratic Republic of Congo in August that killed 20 people was the result of a loose crocodile and panicked passengers, a report has found.
A small Let L-410 Turbolet crashed into a house on Aug. 20, killing everyone aboard except one person.
That lone survivor told officials a passenger had a crocodile hidden in his sports bag. When the plane began its descent to Bandundu, the croc escaped and crawled down the aisle.
"The terrified air hostess hurried towards the cockpit, followed by the passengers," reads a report about the crash obtained by various British newspapers.
The stampede threw the aircraft off balance, the report says, despite the best efforts of Dutch pilot Danny Philemotte, 62, and British co-pilot Chris Wilson, 39.
The plane crashed into an empty house 100 metres from its destination.