Welcome to Yogurt Gazebo, a blog about weird news from around the world...
Weird Fact:

Tablecloths were originally meant to be served as towels with which dinner guests could wipe their hands and faces after eating

Saturday 30 October 2010

Before you read this stretch your mouth as wide as you can...

The 20-year-old, who can fit a can of fizzy pop – sideways – in his flexible gob, won the World’s Widest Mouth title at the Big Mouth competition in Rome.
It was ‘a dream come true to be honoured by Guinness World Records’, he said.  The ‘jaw of awe’, as he’s apparently known, shot to stardom on the streets of Angolan capital Luanda – and was tracked down by Guinness Book of World Records researchers, who spent two years trying to find him. 
The YouTube sensation’s drinks tin insertion beat jaw-dropping talent from around the world, with contestants cramming their cakeholes with saucers, coffee cups and beer bottles. 
He’s even performed on Italian TV, popping a can in and out of his mouth 14 times in a minute.

Click on the link to watch the video...



  1. Sorry, I don't know how to fix the HUGE gap between the title and the article...

  2. Hey Mika!!!
    That guy is insane!!! How does he do that?! Wouldn't that like tear his gums?! I can't believe that! I saw a picture of a guy in Rickley's Believe it or not, who could fit around 250 straws in his mouth in one time!!!! But a minute after he put them in... he dislocated his jaw! And had to go to the hospital!!! Ouch!!! This is definetly a good post!!! :D

  3. And yes... Now I can see them!!!

  4. Thanks austyn! Weird isn't it how people can do things like that with their body!

  5. I know!!! I would absolutely tear or dislocate my jaw if I did that!!! I mean really!

    P.S. Beep, Beep, Beep...Bam!!!

  6. THATS NUTS I just tried and couldn't get any of it in my mouth... Hahaha we are talking about a coke can by the way... If it was a cheeseburger no probs...


  8. IIIIIII WANT CANDY!! Da-da-da-da-da-da-che-che!!! IIIIIIIIII WANT CAAANDY!!! Da-da-da-da-da-da-che-che!!! Ha, ha, ha!!You know the song... "I want candy!" Yeah... Well that's what my comment was... :D

  9. Mika!!!! 16 DAYS 'TIL HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!CAN YOU WAIT?! I CAN'T!!!!!!!

  10. I almost died from "toomuchofawaitforthebestmovieeverophobia" I hope you don't catch it!

  11. Great blog posts, as usual, Mika! I am very impressed by your commitment to this assignment! As I am sitting down to evaluate your first post, however, I just want to make sure that you are composing your own writing, as well as perhaps citing an online article. I appreciate the fact that you are providing a link to the full text but I will also need to see some writing that is uniquely yours.

    Perhaps could you cite a clip from your chosen articles in quotation marks and then write a second paragraph, in your own words, with your reaction to/or summary of what has been reported?

    Keep up the great work and Happy Hallowe'en!

  12. Oh no!!!!! I just caught: "toomuchofawaitforthebestmovieeverphobia" Well actually... I've had it ever since I read the 7th book!!!!!!!!!! :D

  13. And by the way... THANK-YOU for your LOVELY comment on my last photo!!! That was so lovely!!! :D

  14. Hi Mika!

    I think that your blog sounds really cool,and I can't wait to read I can't believe that someone can put a freezy in there mouth sideways.I was wondering why you called you Yogurt Gazebo if your not talking about yogurt. Please give your answer by putting a comment on my blog. Can't wait to read more!


  15. Wow MIka that is like really weird and cool at the same time i mean i can hardly fit my fist in my mouth were do you find all of these? do you just cruise thru the internet looking for things.I think this post is definitly a hit everyone seems to love it.And why do you call it yogurt gazebo its not like its about yogurt when you answer to that question please answer it on my blog and i cant wait to see the next post you put on!!:)

  16. Ha ha ha!!! I love all of the weird news that you put on your blog. I think that my favourite post of them all would have to be.....(drum roll please!) the lady who got a LITTLE cranky over some Mcdonald's chicken nuggets. I also really like how you put a weird fact on your blog every week or so. They're very interesting. I also find that this post is only a little creepy because I can probably only open my mouth a 100,000,000,000th that size. Especially that you can see his back molars makes it even creepier. I love your blog though!!!

  17. Mika,
    Where are finding all this crazy stuff? I really like it when you put pictures to go with the really, really weird facts and stories. That fact that you posted is really is a scary fact, so we actually eat 18 acres of pizza in our life time that is so weird. I know a book that has a ton of really weird facts it is called weird but true and there is a second one called weird but true 2. One of the things that I remember from when I read it, is that you get more wet when you run in rain then if you stand still. Maybe if people are happy about rain, they want to get wet so maybe that why they in the dance in the rain.
    Bye for now
