Welcome to Yogurt Gazebo, a blog about weird news from around the world...
Weird Fact:

Tablecloths were originally meant to be served as towels with which dinner guests could wipe their hands and faces after eating

Saturday 20 November 2010

For all you Harry Potter fans...

For all you Harry Potter fans out there, have you seen the new movie yet? I have not yet seen it, but am extremely excited for when I will. My question for you (if you have seen the movie,).... What did you think if the movie? Was it AMAZING? Was it too much? Or was it just not good? I would like you my fellow followers, to tell me in the comments area what you thought of the movie. You don't even have to have seen the movie to leave your thoughts in the comments box, tell me what you think this movie is going to be like, is going to be good, bad, horrific, brilliant, etc.

(Thanks in greek)

*This should not count as a real post*


  1. I just saw the movie today, and it was awesome! I found it wasn't as scary as the others, I found it was more humorous than scary, but maybe that's because I'm older than I was when I watched the other Harry Potter movies.
    Other than that, I found it very interesting. I still think that the second part is going to be sooooooooooooo much better!!!!!

  2. I think that Danny Thomas' real name is the weirdest. :)

  3. I think that it was......... UTTERLY OUTSTANDING!!!!!!!!!!! But the second part will be SSSSSOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH BETTER!!! Because of all the arising tension and suspense, but above all... for all of us who have read the book... THE BATTLE!!!!!!!!!! OOOOOHHHHHHHHH!!! :) I didn't think that it was scary at all, except that the part with Bathilda Bagshot was a little unnerving with her creepy face! Ooohhhwww... (A shiver sound. However you would type that! :)...) But if you were scared of the first, second or third, then it will be kind of creepy for you. I cried at one part though... :( You probably will too if you read the books and if you got attached to the characters........ Waaaawwwwwwwwww!!! :( Well, above all, IT WAS AMAZING!!! I want to go see it again, for a third time!!! :) But, I'm ready for the second part! Wait.... I have to wait until JULY!!!! Not this again.... here we go again Mika.... I think I might catch that sickness again... :)

  4. Oh... Thank you for your comment Mika!!! And I feel your agony for the wait.... I feel terribly sorry for you... but at least it is something to look forward to!!! :)

  5. One final thing... it ends at a CRAZY SUSPENSEFUL END!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) NNNNOOOOOO!!! :) That's what I said when I saw it both times!!! :)

  6. It was great a little scary,but still really good!

  7. I cried. Austyn, you know what part I'm talking about. :(
