Welcome to Yogurt Gazebo, a blog about weird news from around the world...
Weird Fact:

Tablecloths were originally meant to be served as towels with which dinner guests could wipe their hands and faces after eating

Thursday 4 November 2010

Welcome to the school of GAGA

Well, actually, it's a course. 
Next semester, at the University of South Carolina, professor Mathieu Deflem will teach a class called Lady Gaga and the Sociology of Fame.
“Within the framework of the sociology of popular culture and music, this course specifically focuses on socially relevant elements in the rise of Lady Gaga’s popularity to her current status as a burgeoning pop music icon,” reads the course’s description.
“The central objective of this course, then, is to unravel some of the sociologically relevant dimensions of the fame of Lady Gaga with respect to her music, videos, fashion, and other artistic endeavours, with special attention for the role of: business and marketing strategies; the role of the old and new media; fans and live concerts; gay culture; religious and political themes...

What do you think about this... interesting course? I think it's a great way for students to learn about business and marketing strategies! Relating it to one of the worlds most popular music artists is a great way to help students learn. But this might not be the course for you if your not really a fan of Lady Gaga. The course is limited to 50 people, but they are planning on letting in 120 next fall. Let me ask you, if you had the chance, would you be interested in doing this course? Or do not like the idea of this?What do you think? Another question for you, do you like Lady Gaga? Do you think she's a role model, or someone who is dying for attention? Leave your thoughts in the comments box...

PS: Who do you think is a better role model? 
Miley Cyrus or Lady Gaga?

For the rest of the article...




  1. Question 1: If I had a choice, no I would not do this course, I mean you're just learning about Lady Gaga. We see enough of her crazy ideas every day!! I mean even if it is a good way to learn about business and marketing strategies, you can get the same stuff out of many other schools. Even if it is unique and different, I would not take this course, relating it to a popular pop star is just a way for them to get more students,

    Question 2: You've probably already guessed it... I do not like Lady Gaga, I just think she is a lady who is very self conscious about her voice, and her looks. Therefore she dresses up in crazy outfits, and sings strange songs. And I do not think she is a good role model, I mean some of her music videos and outfits... she's promoting the wrong things to her young audience, and I most definitely think she does this all to get tons of attention. (negative attention)

    Question 3: I think neither are good role models, they attract such young audiences, who look up to them, and go ahead make music videos where they are absolutely not properly dressed. Or they wear an riduculus outfit to a concert, where they have millions of fans who look to them and promote the wrong things.

    I'm sorry to all folks reading this comment who are Lady Gaga lovers, she is just not my type (as you have probaly already guessed), and same with Miley Cyrus. Remember it's just my opinion.


  2. Thanks Emily for your comment!

  3. I think that it's a very interesting course, its a good Idea to get people interested in the course but i think that I wouldn't join because (I agree with Emily) they would really be focusing on lady gaga, i think that there are many different ways to be successful, and to just look at lady gaga in the course may be just plain weird. I mean we see her enough in magazines but to take a course on her?
    For question two, I like some stuff from lady gaga (not much) but i think she is a role model but maybe not the best. So in my opinion i would not take this course but think it may be a good way to get people more interested In marketing and business strategy.

  4. I think it's a good idea. First of all, because Lady Gaga is a good role model to kids because she shows you that even if you don't fit in you can still BE someone. Anyways, I also think that Lady Gaga is a better role model than Miley Cyrus is because of two reasons. First of all, because of Miley Cyrus's music and second of all because of Miley Cyrus's clothes. I really like your posts. Also, I was wondering where you got the name Yogurt Gazebo. I disagree with Emily because I don't think Lady Gaga is self-conscious at all. A person who wears a MEAT DRESS is not self-conscious. And if you think Lady Gaga's clothes are weird, look at Miley Cyrus's clothes. It's my first post. Also I like the articles you chose. Especially the one with the crazy mcdonald lady.

  5. Thanks Julia! I don't really remember how I got the name but, I remember it was in class. Kristen and I were discussing what to name my blog. Somehow Yogurt Gazebo got chosen. I thought it was a cool name to choose for a blog because it sounds way better than ; Mika's weird news blog or Weird news blog from Mika. And that is the story how Yogurt Gazebo got it's name.
    The end.

  6. Woww.. Mika what an interesting story about names. But I guess I'll try to answer your questions.

    No I would not go to the course, I mean there are plenty other amazing business school that I could go to if I wanted to learn business. I would especially not go considering it's centered around someone who where's MEAT!! I guess what I mean is that sure she's just trying to be unique but MEAT, is just to weird for my liking.

    To answer your second question, some of her songs are catchy but I do not like her. She's too weird for my liking... and that's saying alot. Some her videos are extremely innapropriate and some just plain straight out wrong. Back to her songs, some are okay and like I said before catchy, but the lyrics if you really listen to them and think about it are... Yep you guessed it, just wrong.

    To answer your last question, Yes I know your thinking to yourself's "here we go again" but I do not think either of them should be looked up to in anyway as they are both inapropriate at times and well you already know what I think of Lady Gaga, but Miley Cyrus gets into bad things, she does bad things, left Disney Channel then went back when she didn't have enough money... so I guess she's just not a good role model she's greedy, rude, a horrible singer,... Sorry had to calm myself down there. Guess that's it if you are reading this line then you didn't abandon my comment (wouldn't blame you if you did)thanks
