Welcome to Yogurt Gazebo, a blog about weird news from around the world...
Weird Fact:

Tablecloths were originally meant to be served as towels with which dinner guests could wipe their hands and faces after eating

Sunday 24 April 2011

I'm depressed... :( I'm gonna eat my OWN FINGER!?!?!

OK, I know I've kinda had a pattern here... "MAN FORCED TO EAT HIS OWN EAR".... "Mmm.. Hair Sandwich?!?", but I think these are the most interesting articles... 

A New Zealand man struggling with depression cut off his own finger, cooked it with vegetables and ate it, doctors reported in the latest issue of medical journal Australasian Psychiatry.
It's only the eighth identified case of self-cannibalization, and is particularly rare because of the patient's lack of severe psychosis, the article abstract says.
The patient, a 28-year-old man, amputated and ate the finger without any evidence of impaired reality testing or substance abuse.....

Well, at least this time, in this case, the man wasn't FORCED to eat his body part.... But still, do you really think cannibalism is the "way" to go if you are in a situation that you are depressed? Honestly, maybe some counseling, or just talking to someone, or something like that might help... I just don't think that eating your finger is a way to help your "depression". It's pretty sick actually if you think about it... amputating your finger, then cooking it with vegetables.... delicious... :) Would YOU ever try to solve your depression by eating your own finger? 


Monday 21 February 2011


A gang attacked a man in Ireland early Monday and forced him to eat part of his own ear, police say.
The man, 21, is recovering in hospital.
The attack occurred in Newbridge. Police said the gang dragged the man down a lane and beat him with a hammer and a metal bar.
The suspects cut off part of the man's ear and forced him to eat it, police said.
He also suffered injuries to his head, jaw and leg.
No arrests have been made.

That's pretty gross. I mean, you could do a lot of things, but, to force someone to eat his own ear? That's just sick. Well, the hair sandwich (previous post) was pretty gross too. When I saw this article I immediately thought about the fighter (Mike Tyson) who bit off part of his opponents ear. That's pretty disturbing as well. 
Let's play a game: Would you rather eat some of your OWN EAR? Or would you rather eat a "hair sandwich?" Leave your comments below.... Oh, and what do you want to hear about next time on my blog? I.e Weird news from Canada or weird news about animals? Criminals? Unicorns??? :)

Thursday 20 January 2011

Mmmm... Hair sandwich?!?!

A New Jersey cook has been sentenced to 15 days in jail and two years probation after he put his chest and pubic hair into a sandwich to get back at a cop.
Ryan Burke, 27, pleaded guilty Oct. 12 to aggravated assault on a law enforcement officer and retaliation for a past official action.

Court heard on Feb. 21, 2010, two police officers walked into a restaurant for a meal break. Burke was working and told Evesham Township Police he recognized one of the officers. Burke had refused to stop for the officer for a traffic violation in March 2009, which resulted in charges.
On the day the officers walked into the restaurant, Burke admitted he "ripped a quantity of chest and pubic hair from his body and placed them in the sandwich he had prepared for the officer."
The officer ate part of the sandwich before discovering the hair.... 

Click link to read full story...

Excuse me? (Cough,cough.) Did you say chest (and pubic) hair in a sandwich? Ugh!!!! I feel like puking right at this very moment!!! The man who put a "large quantity" of chest hair into the sandwich must not liked to be charged! He is someone who you better watch out for if he wants revenge on you! I really can't think of many things that could be grosser to put in a sandwich.... Well, I could, but that's probably in the top ten gross stuff. When the cop finished part of his sandwich,I  wonder how he reacted to such a "unusual" event. Did he start screaming and clawing at his own tongue? Or did he stay silent? 
Now you know to check your sandwich before eating it!!! :)